At GCC we are blessed to call the following people a part of our Leadership Team. The leadership team serves to ensure that the church upholds its vision, and remains steadfast on the path that God has for the church.


Mike Anthony: Elder

Mike lives in Downingtown with Lil his wife of 39 years. They have a son and daughter and 3 granddaughters. Mike works in the Commercial flooring industry. He has served in various ministries over the past 46 years. Lil is a retired Chaplain.

Their interests are travel, target shooting, dining with friends, and sharing life with others.


Glenn Stoltzfus has served as the Worship Pastor at Gap Community Church since its inception in 2003.

He was married in August of 1987 and became the worship leader at Freedom Life Christian Center from 1995 to 2001.  Glenn serves as a worship leader, journey group leader, and heads up outreach to the Coatesville area.

Glenn is married to his wife Luli where they live in Gap, Pennsylvania, and has three children: Jordan, Jonathan, and Julia.


Mel Beiler: Deacon

Mel Beiler and his wife Wilma have been involved with Gap Community Church from its founding. He has a son, two daughters, and four grandchildren! His prayer is for unity and for hearts to turn to God through Jesus! Mel’s life verse is Micah 6:8 – “He has shown you oh man what is good, what does the Lord require of you? To do justify, love mercy and walk humbly with God.”